One of my personal projects this summer is to get out and shoot in places that I haven’t shot before, with some different dogs. My most recent adventure was with Koa, the Dapper Doberman (if you are looking for him on Instagram, he’s @the_dapper_dobie ). He’s a Ruffwear ambassador (one of my favorite brands!) and a model for Rex Specs. He’s a handsome guy, and his Mom is awesome (not to mention an awesome groomer at The Mountain Dog Lounge!)
For our first adventure, we went to Guardsman Pass. I definitely should have brough the bug spray. But mosquito bites aside, we had a great time!

Koa is such a rockstar model. He’s a clever boy, and devoted to his mom.

It was a beautiful evening, and we were ablet to get a number of photos in different locations close to the parking lot!

How awesome are those ears?!?

The flowers were beautiful!

I’m looking forward to our next shoot. I think it will involve water, a paddle board, a camera in a waterproof housing and me in a wetsuit!