This year I started Unleashed Education‘s first of 3 pet photography courses, that involves 12 challenges (assignments) over the course of a 6 month period. The challenges are varied, requiring creativity and technical skills. If each assignment is submitted by it’s due date, you (and everyone else) receive verbal feedback on the images submitted. Before the course is completed, you have the opportunity to re-shoot or re-edit your original submissions and enter a final portfolio. Here is my final porfolio for Embark.
01 Colouriffic (the class is taught by an Aussie and a Kiwi, so there are gratuitous ‘u’s present!)

02 Get Down – Not just a line in every Arnold Achwarzenegger movie ever, but a photography challenge, where the goal is to photograph the dog from as low a position as possible.

03 Composition 101 Center the dog (or other animal). I found this particular challenge oddly, well, challenging. Get a dog perfectly centered is not the easiest thing in the world! Luckily I have very patient friends!

04 Dogscapes Like a landscape. but with dogs included! This allowed me to take many trips into the Uintas with a good friend of mine and her dogs. An excellent way to spend Sunday afternoon/evenings.

05 Up Ups Also known as ‘dog on a log’ – the dog has to be standing on something!

06 Soul Searcher aka ‘Puppy Dog Eyes’ – where the dog is looking at the camera, hoping for a piece of cheese, or other goodies. In Lucy-Fur’s case, it was definitely cheese!

07 City Slicker Sort of the opposite of Dogscapes, here the dogs were to be in an urban environment. I elected for Yorkies on Main Street in Park City.

08 Front Runner – The dog was to be running at you. I had owners throw tennis balls at me – extra points if they hit me (no one was throwing particularly hard, so it was okay!).

09 Say What? Classic head-tilt.

10 Glow Up All about the backlighting!

11 Splash! Just like it sounds – there is water involved! Luckily, my camera equipment is weather-sealed. So am I!

12 Party Time The final challenge, and time to let loose! Bellatrix embodies the motto ‘Often Wrong, But Never in Doubt’!