Fi will always be in my heart, and surrounded by photos of her and her sisters, she lives on forever. And more than anything, she taught me to live in the moment – when it comes down to it, life is a series of moments to be thoroughly enjoyed at the time, and revisited and savored later with the help of photographs.
Daisy and Lucy-Fur have been excellent companions for each other and for me. With the pandemic, they also became my co-workers, as well as my photography models and action stars!

And now, very recently, we finally added a third dog to our family again. I continue to volunteer at Salt Lake County Animal Services, and kept looking until we found the perfect fit for our family, Bellatrix. She’s a young (6 or 7 month old) Goldendoodle, and fits in quite well with Daisy and Lucy.

Cheers! (Or, as Fi would say, *kissey face* !)